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Vampire The Masquerade 2Nd Edition
Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition is the first major revision of the Vampire: The Masquerade game system. It reuses and revises a large amount of text from the first edition of the Vampire: The Masquerade Rulebook, although much of the text is heavily edited and blogger.com major changes from First to Second Edition are not in content but in form: it was the core rulebook for any. Jan 20, · Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition is the first major revision of the Vampire: The Masquerade game system. It reuses and revises a large amount of text from the first edition of the Vampire: The Masquerade Rulebook, although much of the text is heavily edited and reorganized. Nov 18, · Vampire: The Masquerade - 2nd Edition - Vampire is a game of make-believe, of pretend, of storytelling. Although Vampire is a game, it is more about storytellin/5(22).

Vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download
All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission of the publisher is expressly denied, except for the purpose of reviews. The mention of or reference to any companies or products in these pages is not a challenge to the trademarks or copyrights concerned. Due to the mature themes presented within, reader discretion is advised. Stewart "Team 12" Wieck, for sending more and more victims to the Blood Pit. Andrew "Hack, Hack, vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download, Hack" Greenberg, for what he had to do to get vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download book done.
Josh "Deluge" Timbrook, for going to the Pablo Picasso school of cranking out the hits. Rob "Buried Alive" Hatch, for having a chance to get out of the Crypt and turning it down. Travis "Key Master" Williams, for being the voice of r esponsibility and the hand of debauchery.
Richard "Shanghaied" Thomas, for finding something else to do with his computer. Sam "Nodding Off" Chupp, for getting the keenest insight into that fabled Book.
Chris "Travolta" McDonough, for his musical taste- or lack thereof. Benjamin "Pete Brady" Monk, Jr. Lyndi "Pretty in Black" Hathaway, for getting rice thrown at her now -married head.
Stephan "How Many Nose Rings? Preface The essence of Vampire lies in the u ndead characters, those doomed symbols of both good and evil. Powerful beyond human comparison, yet damned with tragic defects of epic proportions, each vampire is a unique reflection of its creator, and as such bears only limited resemblance to other Kindred.
The soul of a vampire is its individuality. Merits and Flaws allow you to describe your character in more detail than that provided by the basic character creation process, but these new rules are optional. If you do not take Merits and Flaws for your character, you will not suffer; your character is simply different from who she might otherwise be.
This means we should not neglect any opportunity to make each character even more unique. The Vampire Players Guide is a compilation of new information, rules and ideas aimed at making your creation the most interesting character it can possibly be. This book includes copious amounts of rules and background material relevant to the role of the player. It also contains advice for all types of players, including suggestions ranging from how to survive as a vampire to how to spice up your roleplaying experience.
When you create a character in Vampire, you are giv en 15 'freebie' points to assign to whatever Traits you like in order to give your character the finishing touches that make her unique. The optional system of Merits and Flaws expands on this idea, and further allows you to personalize your character. Merits may only be bought with freebie points. Flaws give you extra freebie points to spend on Merits or anything else. You can purchase as many Merits as you wish, up to the full amount of your freebie points though that would leave you weak in your other areas.
Each Merit has a different cost, which is described in terms of freebie points - if you wish to take it vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download must spend that number of freebie points. A large amount of emphasis has been placed on demonstrating some of the different ways in which you can play Vampire.
Each section of this book suggests a different style of play. Only some of these will be appropriate for your chronicle. Merits and Flaws enhance the roleplaying possibilities inherent in the game; new clans, Traits and Disciplines help bring character concepts to life; and expanded equipment lists allow for everything from mortar fire to ghoul Chihuahuas.
Each Flaw you purchase gives you additional freebie points. The amount gained is listed with the Flaw. Thus, buying Flaws can allow you to buy more Merits.
For instance, the Flaw "Light-Sensitive" gives you five additional freebie points, while the Merit "Daredevil" costs three freebie points, vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download. However, you can only take up to seven points of Flaws w hich makes it impossible for any character to have or speed more than 22 freebie points.
Additionally, Merits and Flaws can only be bought when the character is first generated unless the Storyteller makes an exception for someone who missed the opportunity earlier. Chapter One: Creation There will be a time to murder and create. Eliot, "The Love Song of J, vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download. Alfred Prufrock". In some chronicles, especially those in which horror is emphasized, Merits and Flaws may not be permitted, or may be restricted in some way.
Make sure you have the Storyteller's permission before you start using these Traits. Keep in mind that this system was not created to allow you to "minimax. The more you misuse the Merits and Flaws to create a super -character, the less likely it is that you will be allowed to take them w hen you design your next character. Character creation can be as simple or as complex as the troupe wants it to be.
If someone does not want to do any w ork, he can simply use the sample characters from the rulebook. On the other hand, if he wants to flesh out his own vision, vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download, then he can use these rules, add in the new Archetypes, further define the character with Merits and Flaws or even have the character follow one of the Paths of Enlightenment. Finally, if he really wants a stretch, rules are provided for those who want to play mortals.
This chapter assumes that all the normal rules for character creation still apply. What follows only adds more dimensi ons to the process. Everything below is optional, so players and Storytellers should not feel any pressure to use these rules if they do not suit their style of play.
These Merits and Flaws deal with the psychological makeup of your character, and may describe ideals, motivations or pathologies. Some psychological Flaws can be temporarily ignored by spending a Willpower point, and are so noted. If you possess such a Flaw and do not roleplay it when the Storyteller thinks you should, then she may tell you that you have spent a point of Willpower for the effort. Flaws cannot be conveniently ignored.
Players should make sure that the Storyteller allows these options in the chronicle befor e creating characters based around vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download options. Each chronicle is individual and unique, so there is no telling what restrictions or changes the Storyteller has in mind. There is no right or wrong way, only ways that work for everyone concerned. Code of Honor: 1 pt Merit You have a personal code of ethics to which you strictly adhere.
Even when you are in frenzy, you will attempt to obey it and thus get three extra dice to your Self-Control rolls when in danger of violating your code. You can. Merits and Flaws Merits and Flaws are two new classes of Traits. Merits provide the character with an advantage, while Flaws give. Vampire The Masquerade Second Edition: Players Guide automatically resist most temptations that would bring you in conflict with your code.
When battling supernatural persuasion that would make you violate your code, you either gain three extra dice to resist supernatural persuasions, or the opponent's difficulties are increased by two Storyteller's choice. You must construct your own personal code of honor in as much detail as you can, outlining the general rules of conduct by which you abide. You experience horrendous nightmares daymares? Sometimes the nightmares are so bad they cause you to lose one die on all your actions for the next night Storyteller's discretion.
Some of the nightmares may be so intense that you mistake them for reality. A crafty Storyteller will be quick to take advantage of this, vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download.
You have a goal that drives and directs you in every t hing. You do not concern yourself with petty matters and casual concerns, because your higher purpose is everything Though you may sometimes be driven by this purpose and find yourself forced to behave in ways contrary to the need of personal survival, it can also grant you great persona strength.
You gain two extra dice on all rolls that have anything to do vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download this higher purpose. You need to decide what your higher purpose is. Make sure you talk it over with the Storyteller first. If you have the Flaw Driving Goal below you cannot take this Merit. You have an overpowering fear of something. You instinctively and illogically retreat from and avoid the object of your fear. Common vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download of phobias include certain animals, insects, crowds, open spaces, confined spaces and heights.
You must make a Courage roll when ever you encounter the object of your fear. The difficulty of this roll is determined by the Storyteller. If you fail the roll, you must retreat from the object. Prey Exclusion: 1 pt Flaw You refuse to hunt a certain class of prey.
For instance an animal-lover might decide to hunt only humans, or a character might decide vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download spare a class of person she particularly admires: police, teachers, medical professionals, clergy, peace activists and so on. You are disturbed when others feed from this type of preyand could possibly enter a frenzy Storyteller's discretion.
If you accidentally feed upon this class of prey yourself, you will automatically frenzy and will need to make a roll for Humanity loss difficulty 8 or greater. Note: This is not as restrictive as the Ventrue limitation, which limits a vampire to a certain class of prey therefore Ventrue cannot take this Flaw. Berserker: 2 pt Merit The Beast is in you, but you know how to direct and make use of it. You have the capacity to frenzy at will, and are thus able to ignore your wound penalties.
However, you must pay the consequences of your actions while in frenzy just as you normally would. Your chance of entering an unwilling frenzy is also unaffected. Dual Nature: 2 pt Merit You have two distinct Natures, both of which have an influence on your personality and behav ior.
When you pick these Natures, be careful to choose Archetypes that are somewhat compatible. Dual Nature does not mean schizophrenia that is a Derangement. This Merit allows you to regain Willpower using both Natures. You may still choose a Demeanor, and it can be as different from the character' Natures as the player desires.
Vampire: The Masquerade — CHAPTERS - How To Play
, time: 11:55Vampire the masquerade 2nd edition pdf download

Vampire Players Guide - 2nd Edition The essence of Vampire lies in the undead characters, those doomed symbols of both good and evil. Powerful beyond human comparison, yet damned with tragic defects of epic proportions, each vampire is a unique reflection of its creator, and as such bears only little resemblance to other Kindred. WOD - Vampire - The Masquerade - Clanbook - Toreador (Revised).pdf. WOD - Vampire - The Masquerade - Clanbook - Ventrue (Revised).pdf. WOD - Vampire - The Masquerade - Guide to the blogger.com WOD - Vampire - The Masquerade - Guide to the blogger.com vampire the masquerade - 20th anniversary blogger.com Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition is the first major revision of the Vampire: The Masquerade game system. It reuses and revises a large amount of text from the first edition of the Vampire: The Masquerade Rulebook, although much of the text is heavily edited and blogger.com major changes from First to Second Edition are not in content but in form: it was the core rulebook for any.
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